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Yoga therapy: A boon to overall health

There are a handful of health practices which actually gained a lot of popularity around the world. One of such is yoga. It is one of the most ancient cultural heritages of India. The term is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuj', which means to unite or join, the unity of mind, body and soul.

This health practice is a mode of therapy known to exhibit significant therapeutic benefits against mental stress, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity and dyslipidemia.

Yoga also shows significant impact on your skin, especially to your face. Skin is considered to be the major body part which meets with intense stress. The lifestyle attitude of unhealthy eating, inadequate protection from sun and unexpected hormonal fluctuations can lead to breakout and acne.

However, people are more aware these days. They incorporate efficient and suitable skin care products in their day-to-day skin care routine to keep skin refreshed and revived. Though, along with healthy skin care routine, proper poses and asana can add a potential influence on the recovery of damaged and dull skin.

Individuals who do this practice on a regular basis remark tremendous influence on mind as well as body, particularly weight loss and healthy skin.

Yoga poses like shrishasan, downward facing shishuasana and many more tend to improve skin elasticity, blood circulation and reduce problems like wrinkles, fine lines, dull skin and aged skin. In this way this health practice can be a boon for skin and face.

Let's explore all about benefits of yoga in deep:

1. What is yoga?


It is a 5000 years old primeval Indian medical approach, which comprises particular practices, meditation and breathing techniques along with positive change in diet and mental attitude.

The National Institutes of Health classified yoga as a ‘Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)’

2. Yoga steps

Nowadays, many people know yoga only in the form of the asana or poses. But asana is only a part of it, which is used to heal and improve people's mental and physical state.

It comprises eight steps. All are equally important and associated to each other as parts of a whole. These eight steps are:

  • Yama: Involves abstinences, restraint and self-regulations
  • Niyama: Involves Practices, self-training and observances
  • Asana: Involves meditation
  • Pranayama: Involves breathing and prana practices, control and regulation
  • Pratyahara: Involves withdrawal of senses and bringing inwards
  • Dharana: Involves concentration
  • Dhvana: Involves meditation
  • Samadhi: Involves meditation in its highest state and deep absorption

Let's dig deeper to look at the benefits of yoga and its impact on overall well-being:

3. Yoga for glowing skin 


We all know how effective yoga is for our overall physical and mental health. But it is as important for glowing skin, skin rejuvenation and health. It works on healing the whole body from deep inside, which also reflects on outer skin. By removing toxins out of the body, improving blood circulation, enhancing tissues and muscles integrity, the yoga for glowing skin beautifies the skin from inside out.

Without any further ado, let's explore what are these asana:



Shirshasana or head stand is one of the most difficult yoga poses to try. It is known as the king of all yoga asanas. This asana is best to improve overall body health. This is also very beneficial for the revival of skin.

This asana improves the blood circulation to your face, removes the toxins out of the body and also enhances your mood. This way your skin feels fresh, clean and glowy.


This is also known as fish pose. This pose is known to balance the hormones and relax muscles. In regular practice, this asana improves the elasticity of the skin. Also, the asana is helpful in getting rid of double chin by tightening the skin of the face.

Downward facing shishuasana


Famous with the name of child pose, this asana enhances the circulation in the facial region, gives the face an uplift and relieves the stress. This all helps to get a glowing and toned face.

Sheetkari and Sheetali pranayama

These are the breathing exercises, which helps to dispense a cooling effect on the overall body, including skin. This aids to counter the inflamed and irritated skin.

Jal Neti and Shankh prakshalan

This practice provides a healthy glow to the skin. This yoga detoxifies the body, reduces inflammation and reduces the dryness. Do it every six months.


This asana is not only good for your back and spine, but also good for your skin indirectly. It allows your lungs to open up, which aids in improving the breathing. Along with this, it improves blood circulation and relieves the stress.

4. Face Yoga

These are the set of exercises which is very beneficial for your skin and face. Its benefits are:

  • Leads to younger and more radiant skin
  • Tone and activate the face muscles
  • Reduces strain and tension
  • Improves oxygen and blood flow to your skin and face

It is als evident from some of the studies that muscle-resistant facial yoga tends to improve the overall facial elasticity and upper cheek fullness.

These face yoga exercises are:


Jawline sculpting

  • Put the palms on the both sides of your chin along the jawline, keep your head straight, push your chin upwards and let resistance in your neck.
  • Hold the position for some seconds and release
  • Do it 10 to 15 times

Tongue out

  • Put your palms on temples and close your eyes
  • Stretch the skin of your forehead
  • Stick the tongue out as possible
  • Breathe slowly, inhale deeply via nose and exhale via mouth. Do it for 30 seconds

Cheek lifter

  • Keep 3 middle fingers of right hand on your mouth
  • Put palm on right cheek
  • Breathe via nose, puff air in your cheeks and keep mouth closed
  • Press your cheeK, hold for some seconds and release. Do it 10 to 12 times with each side

Eyebrow lifter

  • Keep your finger in V shape above and below of your eyes
  • Stretch the skin around the eyes and lift your eyebrows
  • Lowering your jawbone with your fingers
  • Do it for 30 seconds

Sharpen the nose

  • Keep your hands on lips and take care the index finger should placed near your nostrils
  • Now, stretch the skin under your nose. Do this for 30 seconds

Cheeks Press

  • Keep your palms on cheeks
  • Open the mouth and keep your tongue on your palate
  • Stretch the skin around your nose and push your tongue towards your palate

Chin Press

  • Keep index and middle finger on cheekbones
  • Open the mouth slightly and curl the lower lip inwards
  • Now smile and stretch your chin
  • Do this for 30 seconds.

Temple lifter

  • Keep palms on temples, push hands towards the scalp line and stretch the forehead
  • Do this for 20 to 30 seconds

Eyelid stretching

  • Keep your 3 middle fingers on eyebrows
  • Close your eyes
  • Now push the eyebrows and stretch the eyelid area of your eyes

5. Yoga for hair growth

Not only for skin, but yoga can also be helpful to improve your hair growth and hair loss by improving blood circulation in the scalp and reducing stress and anxiety levels.


The yoga for hair growth are:

  • Balayam mudra
  • Pada hastasana
  • Uttanpadasana
  • Parvat asana
  • Shashank asana
  • Vajrasana
  • Kapalbhati pranayama

6. Yoga for stress relief


Stress shows a significant impact on our immune system and other physiological body functions. Hence, stress management is an essential aspect to consider. Yoga can help to manage stress in significant means.

Scientific researches have exhibited that it exerts psychological, biochemical and physiological impacts, which aids to get relief from stress.

Recently, Streeter, et al. proposed a theory on how yoga can lowers the stress:

  • By reducing allostatic load (The wear and tear on the body, happens due to repeated and intense chronic stress exposure).
  • By correcting the GABA and parasympathetic nervous system activity.

Asana for managing stress:

Sukhasana, Balasana, uttanasana and breathing exercises

7. Yoga for mental health

Recent studies have found a significant association between yoga and improved mental health. It tends to enhance the mood and lowers the depression scores by improving the neurotransmitter secretion responsible for emotional regulation.

Along with this, it also helps to get commend on abstinences, cravings and attitudinal changes.

Asana for improving mental health:

Padmasana, Anjaneyasana, Shavasana, Garudasana and breathing exercises

8. Yoga for cardiovascular health

In the many evaluated studies on yoga and cardiovascular diseases and insulin resistance syndrome, a reduction of systolic and/or diastolic high blood pressure has been noticed. In one of the other analyses, a significant correlation between overall cardiovascular endurance and yoga training has been seen. 

Asana for improving cardiovascular health:

Paschimottanasana, Gomukhasana, Setu Bandhasana, and Utthita Trikonasana

9. Yoga for respiratory disorders

In the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, improving quality of life, lung functioning and bronchial provocation responses, yoga as an adjunct therapy shows promising outcomes.


  • The cleaning yoga techniques, for instance neti kriya 9warm saline nasal wash) and dhauti kriya (upper gastrointestinal cleaning with muslin cloth or warm water) significantly helps to remove the mucus and decrease bronchial hypersensitivity and inflammation.
  • On the other hand, asana like kapalabhati aids to enhance the proper breathing. 

Asana for improving respiratory health:

Matsyasana and Setubandh 

10. Yoga for musculoskeletal conditions

In comparison to usual care and conventional therapeutic exercises, yoga is found to be more effective in controlling chronic back pain. Other than this, it also helps to improve the overall posture, build strength and improves muscular endurance.

Asana for improving musculoskeletal problems:

Cobra Pose, Cat-Cow, Sphinx Pose, Bridge Pose, Locust Pose and Garland Pose


These are yoga for glowing skin and healthy hair along for an overall healthy body. These cause no side effects but remember to do it under proper guidance. Include these yoga poses in your lifestyle, revive and rejuvenate overall body, skin and hair.


How often should a person do yoga to see results?

Do it regularly and at least three to four times a week. With time you will surely see the changes.

Can you do yoga two times a day?

The ideal time to do this physical exercise is in the morning. But you can do it two times a day as well. Remember to keep 8 to 10 hours distance between the both routines.

Can I learn asana by myself?

It should be done and learned under proper guidance. Any wrong move can lead to problems with your muscles and body. You can also take yoga classes and learn this from yoga practitioners. 


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