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How To Remove Dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff at Home? 5 Easy Dandruff Solutions

Do you no longer choose to wear your favourite dark colours since dandruff is more noticeable on them? Do the irritating itchy scalp and white flakes on your clothes and pillows trouble you and restrict you to enjoy your outing freely?

Dealing with a flaky scalp may be a frustrating and horrifying experience for anybody. You are not alone in this fight. At present, approximately 50% of the population across the world is suffering from this severe hair problem, dandruff as a result of it the global hair care market is expected to rise to 102 billion dollars by 2024.

Before finding a remedy for dandruff, let’s find out what is dandruff and why is it so problematic.

What is dandruff and its causes?

Dandruff is a condition of escalated flaky white to yellowish scaling of the scalp with itchiness, and inflammation resulting in the more active end of physiological desquamation. It is problematic because it is indelible, it comes again and again, no matter what you do! It becomes in-washable and everlasting.

The excessively scaly scalp looks untidy and unhygienic, which can embarrass you and make you self-conscious. It profoundly affects your confidence and self-esteem.


Causes of Dandruff

There are several causes of dandruff. Nevertheless, it is usually transient and manageable.


Malassezia, a yeast, is already present on everyone's scalp, but when you're under stress, it can flourish. It makes your dandruff worse. The "itch-scratch cycle" is another effect of stress; as you scratch, the itching increases, leaving your skin sensitive and dry.

Heat and Pollution

Heat and pollution are two important elements that contribute to dandruff. They can result in fungal infections, skin sensitivity, and increased perspiration on your scalp, all of which contribute to dandruff.


Although cleanliness isn't directly linked to dandruff, not washing or shampooing frequently might cause skin cells and scalp oils to clump together over time, leading to dandruff.

Skin Disorders

Dandruff is more likely to occur regularly if you have psoriasis or eczema. Although dandruff may be avoided with routine care, it is a common occurrence in several skin conditions.

Dry Skin

Dandruff is reportedly more common in those with dry skin. If your skin is already peeling or flaky, the likelihood of dead skin shedding as dandruff increases. It is especially frequent during cold, dry winters.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a typical skin problem brought on by a yeast called Malassezia that is present in the oil produced by your scalp. Persistent dandruff, red and irritated skin, itchy skin, and scaly areas on your head are all symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. With frequent cleaning and appropriate care, it often disappears without medical assistance.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally?

1. Neem

Neem For Dandruff

Neem has been used for treating bacterial and fungal diseases of hair and skin. Neem's powerful antifungal properties stop Candida (yeast) from overgrowing on your scalp. Its anti-inflammatory characteristics are beneficial in treating the irritated scalp, psoriasis, dermatitis, and other scalp conditions. Numerous studies have also shown that topical neem use might lessen the signs and symptoms of dandruff.

How to use?

  • Take fresh neem leaves and soak them overnight in water
  • Strain the leaves the next day and wash your hair with the remaining water
  • Let the neem water work its magic on your scalp
  • Wash your scalp with normal water

2. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek Seeds For Dandruff

Fenugreek seeds are a powerful natural cure for dandruff. It has high water-soluble vitamins (B3 or nicotinic acid) and a high protein content, which control a number of hair issues including hair loss and dandruff. It also contains nicotinic acid, a natural emollient that gives your hair a deep hydration boost, strengthening your hair's follicles and roots in the process.

How to use?

  • Overnight soak the fenugreek seeds
  • Prepare a fine paste the next day and apply it to your scalp
  • Let the paste dry for 30-45 minutes and wash your scalp properly

3. Lemon

Lemon For Dandruff

One of the finest remedies for dandruff is lemon. Lemons assist to restore damaged skin since they are high in vitamin C and vitamin B. The citric acid in lemons helps to regulate the pH of your scalp, resulting in a scalp free of dandruff.

How to use?

  • In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of water and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Mix it properly
  • Using your fingertips, rub it into your scalp
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair

4. Fuller’s earth

Fuller's Earth For Dandruff

Fuller's Earth is a reliable natural treatment for both an oily scalp and dandruff. While absorbing undesirable pollutants, excessive oil, greasiness, etc., it functions as a natural cleaner for your scalp. It has an exceptional ability to increase blood flow to the scalp area, which further aids in hair follicle nourishment.

How to use?

  • Combine 1 cup of fuller's earth and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • Add 3 tablespoons of water to it and prepare a mixture
  • Apply it to your head for around 15 minutes
  • Rinse it off with shampoo and water

5. Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar For Dandruff

The pH levels on your scalp are balanced by apple cider vinegar's acidic nature, which creates an environment that is not favourable for growth of yeast. In addition, it aids in controlling an itchy scalp, and lessens fungus, thus prevents dandruff.

How to use?

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water into a dish
  • Apply the solution to your head
  • Spend 10 to 15 minutes gently massaging your scalp before rinsing it with water

Bonus tips!

  • Avoid stress and stay relaxed
  • Nourish your hair with the richness of oils like coconut oil, almond oil or any other regular oil at regular intervals
  • Maintain proper hair-hygiene
  • Consult your dermatologist in case of a severe skin condition

So, take care of your hair, use natural hair-friendly shampoo and conditioner and use these home remedies regularly, also if you are not suffering from dandruff as these prevent your hair from further damage.

How To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Take Away

Dandruff and an itchy scalp can cause severe discomfort. But, don't worry, it’s curable with simple and effective home remedies and easy hair care tips. By following a gentle and natural hair routine, you may even be able to say goodbye to your hair complaints. So get going and get started!


Q. Is dandruff more prominent in the summer or winter?

Ans. Dandruff may happen at any time of year, but it is more frequent in the winter when the scalp is dry and itchy, which can cause flakes to accumulate and produce dandruff.

Q. Can coconut oil be used to manage dandruff?

Ans. To help treat and prevent dandruff, coconut oil can be applied straight to the scalp. Coconut oil's moisturizing qualities may help eradicate flaky, dry skin on the scalp as well as assist with irritation and dryness.

Q. Do lemons get rid of dandruff?

Ans. You may indeed treat dandruff with lemon juice. dandruff and dryness can be efficiently cured by citric Acid content in lemon by restoring pH balance to scalp. Its antibacterial properties make it effective in preventing fungus on the scalp.

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